Sunday, August 6, 2017 - The Firm Foundation
Pastor Roger Marcos
Delivered at OCA NYCC Camp
August 6, 2017
First of all, I just want to give thanks to God, for His wonderful creation we are His and we do understand the predicament of mankind. Give glory always to His wonderful name.
So as we enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His court with praise.BE THANKFUL TO HIM, and bless His name.
Positiveness- lifts our Spirit- It’s a law of both the Natural and Spiritual Realms that when you dwell on the good, then good surround you.
So when WE think positive thought in worship, speak positive things, and positive action, YOU FEEL BETTER GENERALLY WORK OUT BETTER.
Praise brings you closer to the Almighty!
Text: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24
25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the Rock.
Wise Builder: Builds a house, Faces a storm, Hears Christ’s words
26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."
The Foolish Builder: Builds a house, Faces a storm, Hears Christ’s words.
As we look on the 3 chapter of Matthew 5-7 Jesus, gave to the crowed a very uplifting message called the Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitude talk about the Blessed Are those: poor in Spirit; Mourn; Meek- for shall inherit the earth.
Chapter 6 about the Model Prayer-after all on chapter 7 gave a very clear warning- because Jesus never seen on them what He preach to them. DO NOT JUDGE.SO THAT YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGE. The two road- broad road many follow but that road lead to destruction.
So to tell you honestly Jesus Sermon on the Mount, which are hardtop receive, difficult to live, and very impossible to comprehend by our NATURAL MIND.
At that point Jesus want to re-assure His hearers (Crowed) that He was serious about them living in the reality of the Sermon on the Mount, so Christ concludes His discourse with an illustration teaching the importance of genuine obedience.
Obedience Is Wise..Disobedience Is Foolish.
Two Men, Two Houses, Two Ends
Verse 29- When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at His teaching, because He taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.
The Wise and Foolish Builder. The Lord Jesus speaks about this well-known parable of the two house builders. How they builds their life will determine their destiny, not just for this life on earth but also for eternity.
We are all House Builders and we are all Storm Facers.
The Foolish Builder | The Wise Builder |
Builds a house | Builds a house |
Faces a storm | Faces a storm |
Hears Christ’s words | Hears Christ’s words |
The wise builder heard Christ’s words and put them into practice.
The foolish builder heard Christ’s words but did not heed Christ’s words.
What I Want You To:
Know: Our behavior should be based on the teachings of Christ.
Feel: Secure that the teachings of Christ can guide them through life.
Do: Study the teachings of Jesus and put them into practice.
The Wise builder
- The wise man heard the word of God.
- The wise man obeyed the word of God.
- The wise man chose a proper foundation.
- The wise man dedicated his life to serving God.
- The wise man continued to learn from God and did what God commanded.
The Foolish Builder
- The foolish man heard the word of God.
- The foolish man did several things.
- He did not obey the word of God.
- He did what he wanted to do in his worship to God.
- He added to the word of God, and/or he took away from the word of God.
- He rejected God,
Let’s turn in our Bibles:
What is Jesus explaining in this story? That we must learn and put His teachings into practice to have a solid Christian life. We are to follow the teachings of Christ, but we can’t follow them unless we know what they are.
What Is This Rock?
1 Corinthians 3:10-11 “According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. 11 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which Jesus Christ.”
This foundation, the person, the blood and the righteousness of Christ, is firm and strong foundation of our faith
You can rely on it. You can be sure that it will never give way. If you build your life on Christ, your life will stand safe and secure.
What does it mean to build on Christ? It means that you live a life of total dependence on Christ. Just as a house rests on a foundation, your life rests on Christ. And you cannot really make Him the foundation of your life unless you also obey His teaching.
Don’t make the same mistake as the foolish man. He built his house on the sand because he was sure that the storm will never come. The floods came and he was swept away. So the choice is left before us: are we going to follow Jesus and do what he calls us to do? If we really perceive what is at stake (i.e. our destiny for eternity), the choice should not be difficult to make.
The warning is obvious; be careful where you build. Build somewhere that won’t disappoint you.
Sand cannot stand-serious storms.
There’s still time to build. Build while you can.
If you want a life that will last, build upon the stability that is Christ. Build upon the reality of a personal relationship with Jesus with an eye to the eternity that is just around the corner.